Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm always amazed by people who have daily blogs, because that means they have something of significance to say every single day. Even if it's not something crazy or shocking, they still have a compelling story to tell. I've gone through my day and come up with nothing that's really blog-worthy.

I could write about how I made it to work on time by forgoing a shower, using the reasoning that I showered yesterday and didn't do anything even close to strenuous. Or about how amused I was when I saw (repeatedly) online that someone threw a water bottle at Justin Bieber's head. Or about how frustrating the ice cream aisle is at the grocery store. (Why is it that I can find no sugar added and s'mores, but not together?) But seriously, none of those things are really attention grabbing, are they?

I read earlier about a female soldier in Afghanistan who was shot at for the first time over the weekend. Despite being terrified, it's made her decide to re-enlist, because she was with a group of children at the time, and that means an insurgent was shooting towards the kids, too.

Then there was a mommy blog (yes, I'm a non-mom and I read mommy blogs) about some of the things single moms have to do to make it through the day. Things some people would say aren't safe, but are necessary when you're going it alone.

Suddenly, my mundane life is sounding pretty fabulous. I should enjoy the peacefulness of it, because someday, kids will enter the picture, or tragedy will strike. In the meantime, boring puppy cuddles and watching TV with my boyfriend, while not blog-worthy, will do just fine.