Saturday, August 29, 2009

Little Circles

By 1p.m. today, I had finished reading a book, stopped at the library to find another, taken a pilates class, and made a stop at the grocery store (where I managed to purchase diet soda and three types of ice cream ONLY). That's a productive Saturday morning. I usually don't get up before noon.

Being at the gym on a weekend is a new one for me. I think of working out as a chore. It's something to be relegated to weekdays, along with working, cleaning, and other unsavory tasks. Weekends are for lounging, napping, and doing as little as possible. Twisting myself into a pretzel (AND HOLD. Does it hurt yet? Yes? Good, KEEP HOLDING!) usually isn't on my list of relaxing activities. But since I was up and couldn't fall back asleep (and dammit, I tried), off to pilates I went.

Within the first minute of the warm-up, I got a cramp in my leg. And we're not talking a little, mild ache. We're talking HOLY SHIT MY HAMSTRING IS REVOLTING. But I'm in a full pilates class. I can't be the one who punks out during the warm-up. I'm lame... but not THAT lame. So I keep going. For the most part, it was a pretty laid back class. The instructor, who looked like she could be a soap star (no offense), was a big fan of resting between exercises. And what do you know? So am I! See? Things were going great.

Until she told us she we were going to draw little circles. My first thought was Um, is this art class? Then she told us to stick both of our legs up in the air. Nope, not art class. So there I am, laying on my back, both legs up in the air, drawing little (imaginary) circles with my toes, then my heels, back to the toes, and again with the heels and HEY LADY DID YOU FORGET ABOUT US? MY ABS CAN'T TAKE THESE CIRCLES ANYMORE! Sheesh. You'd think drawing little circles with your feet in the air would be easier, but I promise you, it's not.

The plus side to my productive morning? I came home, had an ice cream sandwich, and took a nap.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously just laughed out loud and made myself cough reading this. OMG, I felt like I was actually there with you...haha...great writing chica! :o)
