Monday, May 24, 2010

Tick, tock...

Where does my day go? I'd swear that I'm awake for 17 or 18 hours of the day, and I get next to nothing done with it.

8:00 AM - Alarm clock starts going off. Hit snooze. Repeatedly.

9:20 AM - Realize that I have no choice but to get my ass out of bed. Shower (maybe), put on clean clothes, take the dogs out, make sure the remote controls and anything else I think is valuable is out of their reach.

10:00 AM - Get to work and run to the deli to grab a bagel.

10:15 AM - Start on the first project of the day, editing down a morning show.

11:00 AM - Finish editing the morning show. The process might be faster had I not been checking e-mail (work and personal), checking, checking various sites I write for, etc., between editing segments. Start working on voicetracking project.

11:20 AM - Refocus on voicetracking project. It's easy to get distracted when browsing gossip sites is necessary for the show prep process.

11:45 AM - Finish work projects and focus on the important stuff: the internet.

12:15 AM - Realize I'm hungry. Grunt about how early it is. Back to the 'net, but with a purpose. I have to find stories to write about, music clips to post on my station blog, etc.

1:00 PM - E-mail a few people to inquire about going to lunch. No one is available. Decide to hit up McDonald's or Taco Cabana. Get food, bring it back to work and eat while watching TV or reading.

2:30 PM - Back to the studio. Write copy, send someone songs, or do some other random little something.

3:00 PM - Someone on the internet is wrong. Must correct them.

3:30 PM - Contemplate working on voicetracking for tomorrow. Decide against it. Go through work e-mail. Then more internet.

5:00 PM - Voicetrack. It must be done.

5:30 PM - One last pass through Jezebel and Facebook before leaving.

6:15 PM - Hit up grocery store for soda.

6:30 PM - Home! Take dogs out. Pick up poop.

7:00 PM - Turn on TV to see if there's anything waiting for me on the DVR that isn't boyfriend friendly. As much as I try, he refuses to watch Vampire Diaries or Grey's Anatomy.

8:00 PM - Feed dogs, feed self.

12:00 PM - Bed. But not to sleep. There's usually at least an hour of reading some delish book about vampires or some other supernatural being before turning off the lights.

So on and so forth... the whole thing just seems to keep going. It's an endless cycle of me checking Facebook, checking Jezebel, reading some book (I read about a book a week, so clearly there's reading time in there somewhere), watching TV, etc.

But I feel like I get nothing done. There's nothing to show for it. Unless a few Facebook updates or comments on Jezebel count.

This is definitely something I should work on...

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